Wisdom of the Universe

In 2016, the Truth and Reconciliation Committee identified 94 Calls to Action. Some of these were directed towards churches. St. Andrew’s heard this invitation and committed itself to taking step in developing friendships with Indigenous artists and educating ourselves about Canada’s history with Indigenous peoples. (https://www.reconciliationeducation.ca/what-are-truth-and-reconciliation-commission-94-calls-to-action)

In 2018, Metis artist, Christi Belcourt  (www.christibelcourt.ca) gave us permission to create a mural of her piece Wisdom of the Universe, originally commissioned by the Art Gallery of Ontario. Ms. Belcourt’s work is in the tradition of traditional Metis art known as Dot Art. Her artist statement is here: www.ago.ca/agoinsider/artists-statement-christi-belcourt-wisdom-universe

We engaged Toronto muralist, Jason Rouleau of Muralform to reimagine the art for this canvas. His team arrived on October 9 2018 and the mural was completed in seven days. The original is comprised of 250,000 dots.

This is the largest Indigenous mural on a church in Canada.

In Feb 2019, Ms. Belcourt spoke to an audience of ninety that included many from Tyendinaga, the neighbouring Mohawk community. She was officially welcomed by Jan Hill, Head of Turtle Clan on the Territories.

Since then St. Andrew’s has raised close to $5000 for Nimkii Aazhibikong an independent Indigenous led camp that is focused on connecting young people with elders for arts and cultural land-based teachings. (www.onamancollective.com/research/)