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Sunday Service

Feast of St. Hildegard, a 12th century Abbess who was theologian, artist, musician and herbalist-she embraced the idea that as members of the planetary community, our lives are mirrors to the fruitfulness of creation. And like the creation around us, our lives have their seasons. How do we know that we are co-creators with God? When we feel juicy and fully alive! Music will include another ‘September’ tune, a piece by Hildegard and a playful piece entitled ‘Waterfall’.

 Speaking of juicy, Ron Thomson has boxed up 2 boxes of apples (Gala and Northern Spy) from his own tree to share with the congregation. Bags will be provided (or bring your own). Ron is grateful for the support of the Circle of Friends.

September 10

Sunday Service

September 19

Hikes with David