Savvy Solo Seniors Initiative


The Savvy Solo Seniors Initiative is a grassroots movement formed to address the apprehensions, hopes, and aspirations of seniors over 65 who live alone in Prince Edward County.

Aging alone leaves an individual susceptible to poverty, loneliness, and social isolation. This leads to a reduction in their quality of life, as well as their physical and mental well-being.

Our senior members have found themselves living alone for various reasons.  They may have provided care for their parents, spouse or other family member.  Yet, their concern now focuses on their own aging and managing for the future.


This initiative is facilitated by a group of passionate volunteers.  Each brings a unique professional and personal background, many having lived experience.

Our Team works in partnership with the Prince Edward Community Care for Seniors, Prince Edward County Lions Club, and Prince Edward County Community Foundation Alternative Housing Task Force, with funding through the Prince Edward County Municipal Community Grant. 

“When people come together, an ancient circle closes between them. They also come to each other not with empty hands,

but with hands full of gifts for each other.”

  John O’Donahue

Community Partners

Community Sponsors



This initiative grew in response to the Prince Edward County Community Foundation Vital Signs Report.  This report indicated that 33.5% (8605) of the population of the County is over 65 years of age.  Of those, 27% (3005) are living alone, with 1750 widowed. (2021 census)

Our initiative has three major areas of focus to address concerns of aging alone:


1.     A Roadmap to Aging Alone Successfully

Aging alone can create anxiety towards an uncertain future.

No one wants to think of getting sick, frail and dependent.

Yet those over 65 have a 70% chance of needing some type of long-term care and support in their remaining years.

Through a managed approach, you will gain hope and a sense of control over your future.

Our Roadmap to Aging Alone Successfully offers self-assessment, mutual support and friendship through:

·      A six-module series of facilitated workshops exploring life areas such as

o   completion of the self-assessment questionnaire

o   healthy lifestyle

o   financial planning

o   legal considerations

o   transportation alternatives

o   charting your course

·      A small group approach allows for sharing, insight and setting a path of self- accomplishment.

Enrollment will be limited to maintain small group size.

Start date for our first series to be announced.

2.    Abbeyfield Homes Prince Edward County Initiative

o   The Abbeyfield core mandate is to provide affordable accommodation and companionship for local seniors.

o   Each home is a non-profit, registered charity owned and supported by community volunteers

For more detailed information go to Abbeyfield Homes Canada

3.  Senior Women Living Together in Prince Edward County

o   This is a non-profit organization that helps single, senior women or those identifying as women, living in Ontario to find compatible homemates.

o   The online platform provides all of the information and tools you need for membership, rental housing and compatible person or persons you want to live with.

o   Your membership allows you to join a dedicated group in Prince Edward County

Many senior women struggle to find safe, secure and affordable housing.

As we age, our social interaction and support dwindles, and too many senior women are alone and lonely. This solution solves both of these issues.

To find out more information and complete an application form, go to Senior Women Living Together

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